According to the Club Regulations, the West Indies Yacht Club is organised around various committees under the authority of the Commodore and the relevant Flag Officers.

The current committee members have been elected on December 12th, A.D. 2015, for a period of three years, by the General Assembly of WIYC’ Members and approved by the Board of Directors of the West Indies Yacht Club.

burgee wiyc entrcroisesThe Executive Committee

+ Please click to display more details about the Executive Committee


burgee wiyc entrcroisesThe General Committee

+ Please click to display more details about the General Committee

burgee wiyc entrcroisesThe Membership Committee

+ Please click to display more details about the Membership Committee

burgee wiyc entrcroisesThe Finances Committee

+ Please click to display more details about the Finances Committee

burgee wiyc entrcroisesThe Sailing Committee

+ Please click to display more details about the Sailing Committee

burgee wiyc entrcroisesThe Board of Directors

+ Please click to display more details about the Board of Directors

burgee wiyc entrcroisesHonorary Members of the Club

+ Please click to display more details about the Honorary Members of the Club

